Saturday, July 12, 2014

I'm a bit slow on the draw

I'm stuck with a lot of reading today and very little writing.

That's going to be a problem, because I'm going to have to do a lot more reading before I do any writing at all.

I might be alone on this, where I'm slow to absorb information before coming up with ideas of my own.

That's if I'm trying to go for some non-fiction type of thing.

Otherwise, it's just a unchecked rant.

For instance, I know very little about Unitarians and can only assume, perhaps safely that they're not different than another other denomination I know.

There's not a point there that I can muster up without reading everything there is on Unitarians.

Again, assuming there's anything new for me to learn but I wouldn't venture down that road unless I had a reason to.

The only reasons is to write about something I know little about.

Assuming there's something to know.

If in fact, I find there's nothing new than I'll take a picture of the stack of books or screen shot my e-book inventory to show you the reason why.


So it's times like this that I just need to start making shit up, just to keep writing.

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