Thursday, July 31, 2014

Making up for lost time

"Mickey" is a morgueFile free photo By Matias Romero
That clock right there shows, more or less, around the time that I woke up today. That's important because one of the things that people who work from home, set as priority is scheduling themselves. I don't do that. I've tried it once before and it didn't seem to work, or like many things in my work life, I don't commit to them.

But like any problem, we always want a solution. My solution now is to start writing something as soon as I wake up. Right now it's about solving a problem in meeting my goals. The biggest fear a writer has is not having anything to write about, but there is always something there. Right now, I know I've had plenty of ideas brewing in my head that I haven't written yet. Those are going to be written today. 

I might as well start writing those now to smother the guilt I have over waking up so late. I'm talking 1:00pm. That's all.

Mark, J. (2014, May 31). Problems Clocking-in From Home. Share Your World. Retrieved July 31, 2014, from

Thursday, July 24, 2014

SEO rule breaker

The other day, I wrote a post about giving up on the niche thing. Well. I think I'm going to give up on the SEO rules too, because it's getting in the way of my goal to post the shit out of shit! For instance, the rules about tagging things and providing a minimum of 400 - 500 word text for at least four posts a day is also crazy. I ain't got time for that!?

I'm not black hat here, and I am trying to get more viewers but I'm not going to go through these little hurdles to do that shit. So, I've decided -- using the same attitude expressed in the above mentioned post, I'm going to post whenever the fuck I want... however, the shit I want... period!

The other side to this though is that because in the long run these posts are going to matter, I'm going to have to come back and reference them again and I'll flesh them out when I do that and share them out accordingly.

I hope this doesn't come across as me not giving a shit about my readers because that's not true. I was going to say something else but fuck it, I've made my point.

Friday, July 18, 2014

A shitty multi-tasker

image "Street_Scene" is a morgueFile free photo by Seeman 

I can't just stick to one thing.

It's just part of who I am.

I've built my business around the internet, so I can't do anything without it.

Now, my dumbass is trying to improve my multitasking skills and it's slowing me down.

Maybe I expect too much and am pushing myself past my limits?

My small business includes doing internet surveys.

Not always the best way to earn as it requires a solid internet connection to do it right.

But when it pays, it's still and always extra income.

More than once I neglected the active window to write something else causing them to time out.

So I have to be active all the time.

Yes, it's part of the job.

The point to this is that there is a end of day goal to meet.

You should be able to shut out a lot of things throughout the day.

Yesterday were another bunch of distractions that weren't really under my control.

But what can you do?

Can't beat yourself up.

Got to just roll with it and in this case, write about it.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Have cholera and do a handstand at the same time

image "bucketsopens" is a morgueFile free photo By taliesin, which is commonly seen where there cholera epidemics. Seemed appropriate for the inappropriate title we used for whatever the hell we're talking about.

As a internet writer, I have to find some way to explain what I do a little better than I already do.

That means I have to talk shit about the difficulty of doing this thing, and let out my frustration through blogging.

Internet writers use a variety of services to generate income.

Some revenue-sharing services are better than others and just recently a very popular service called &bubblews upgraded their entire site with a new layout and options.

They've already been talking about this for months and the update happened this week.

This has caused some difficulty for some users, which makes this market harder to manage in the traditional sense.

Like a career.

It just means that I have to work harder and take this thing seriously.

If you're too timid for this stuff, you won't be able to "hang".

What does any of this have to do with the title?

Just my own way of dealing with two difficulties at the same time.

(continue reading)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I'm a bit slow on the draw

I'm stuck with a lot of reading today and very little writing.

That's going to be a problem, because I'm going to have to do a lot more reading before I do any writing at all.

I might be alone on this, where I'm slow to absorb information before coming up with ideas of my own.

That's if I'm trying to go for some non-fiction type of thing.

Otherwise, it's just a unchecked rant.

For instance, I know very little about Unitarians and can only assume, perhaps safely that they're not different than another other denomination I know.

There's not a point there that I can muster up without reading everything there is on Unitarians.

Again, assuming there's anything new for me to learn but I wouldn't venture down that road unless I had a reason to.

The only reasons is to write about something I know little about.

Assuming there's something to know.

If in fact, I find there's nothing new than I'll take a picture of the stack of books or screen shot my e-book inventory to show you the reason why.


So it's times like this that I just need to start making shit up, just to keep writing.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The internet writer's Hell.

Finally, I got a wild hair up my ass and started kicking out text today.

Right on and good for me!

The only want to do it is to network everything, I don't give two fucks what, just as long as they're connected.

As I've said before on my previous post about niche blogging, I've settled into accepting my approach for internet writing with consistency.

I did get a little spooked earlier though with the realization that I could be pinned down to write just for the internet and never be able to write anything else.

Before I elaborate on that, I want to say that I'm writing on the internet to get that posh writing job at the office or something.

What I mean is that I have other interests I need to be involved with and need to schedule that time, I just don't see that happening.

I sense that there's an opportunity but can't get out from under that fear.

I've smacked myself back into reality to admit that it's too early for me to tell, but it's one of the many of the millions of fears low-rent writers have.

Now that we've Quashed the shit out of that shit, it's time to move on. 

The freelancer's drag

It's like a Scott Joplin piece, the freelancer's drag.*
It's actually more like the drag a freelancer has when they start slacking off.
That's been happening more lately.
But when you're low, there's no way to go but up.
It's perhaps because I'm forcing myself to deal with the fact that I might be a bit overwhelmed.
When this happened in traditional jobs, I likely would freak out because I had to do it, or it was my ass.
Toward the end of my workforce stretch, I stopped giving a shit and so I'm hooked on taking the hit.
I have my process in that I answer to no one and I can't beat myself up over it.
Feels good.

*I meant rag but then, I don't expect that anyone reading this is old enough to know what that is much less Scott Joplin.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fuck this niche blog bullshit

I did a little better yesterday with my new writing plan, which is basically me writing everything now, posting, fixing and then sharing later.

I have to do that now while I get used to this new process.

I do want to say to at least relate to other writers that I never really have a great idea as to how to write all this stuff, meaning:

Do I have to research something thoroughly and plan out what I'm going to write?

Because everything I write, each piece is for a specific reason, each one and that's the problem.

I kind of have an idea of what it's going to be but if I try to make it exactly what I want it to be and don't let up before I post it, than I will be ignoring many great ideas in the process.

As I was in the shower yesterday, I had to come to accept that I just need to write about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Imagine what a writer does, or what I think they should do everyday; to write.

What does it matter if it's exactly what you want it to be?

For instance, I want(ed) my blog to be kind of a niche thing, but I don't always have the something to write about that will fit that niche, so fuck it.

I just need to do it and sort it all out later.

What a re-fucking-lief!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Preemptive writing satisfaction

"Creation centralLicense Attribution Some rights reserved by Darkpartment

I know that there is such thing as being satisfied. I bitch and complain a lot about problems with writing which is the reason I started this blog, but sometimes I am happy with my daily writing tasks and meeting my goals.

But last night I felt as if I hadn't done enough to meet my goal this time and have been falling behind on that as a priority. I actually left the computer with the idea that I was going to come back hardcore and meet these goals today (Monday), but I'm doing it without a plan. 

I think the whole point here is to just take what's in my head currently and write it out as best as I possibly can as I post, which is how I do things by default. 

I have tried many other ways but there's always that discomfort of uncertainty if I don't automatically do them that way when I feel I need to meet those goals. 

Which means I have to really be focused and engaged to relieve that stress. 

That's really the answer to everything, isn't it?

Once I go through that experience on a daily basis, I know I'll feel like I've actually done something, after all. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Even writers need more than a dial-up connection

"patricia-fortes_274793_8713_a" is a morgueFile free photo By Patuska

I know what my problem is. My problem is that I won't tolerate writers with Luddite sensibilities for writing tools. I'm mildly surprised by how many writers there are out there who call themselves writers but won't write anything if it isn't on paper or a typewriter.

They claim that they're purists but they're not so much that they walk around with stone slates and chisels, or paints. Why would I even try to write anything down on paper when I'm going to type it up on the computer anyway? I have a big problem with these people and I refuse to change my mind about it.

It's been an uphill battle with me having a stable connection to the internet for this past year. I'm almost afraid that it's going to be taken away from me soon if I don't bust my ass to try and pay it off right this second. So, I'm taking this opportunity to start writing about it here on this blog where I vent about the challenges of writing.

It isn't as challenging as it used to be, but there are still battles I have to fight because I refuse to go back to a traditional job; meaning to work for anyone else. It's not going to happen.

For a year I've been either tethering, sharing a WiFi signal or maintaining a mobile hotspot to the internet  which all had their limitations such as too expensive to maintain or not strong enough to support some of the services I have to use.

Despite all of that, I've had to find a workaround to keep my daily quota; eventually I'll talk more about that here as I imagine I'll be going through all that shit again so we shall see.