Last year I wanted to publish my eBook of fiction. I put it off because I didn't know enough about the process of what I was getting into. I mean everything, more specifically, about the formatting.
Because when I first went to Amazon's CreateSpace, I was somewhat confused with how to create the contents and the chapters. So last week, I finally decided it was time to get to it and over an exhaustive two-day period I finally got it. From the formatting to converting into a EPUB file.
As of this writing, this is what my stats look like:
Since this blog is about uphill battles, let me tell you a little bit about this one... in a later post. Right now however, I want to give you the details on what I did past the formatting and creating of the file.
Not only did I get around the formatting tools but the publisher too. Because I wanted to find the best way to set up a cart through my blog without coming across as fraudulent or risky, which plays a big part in why people don't buy (my) eBooks.
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