Sunday, August 17, 2014

Shifting Gears Around Content Site Killer

I didn't have to put off writing the about section for this blog, but for now, I'll just write what I have to say and throw in what this blog is supposed to be about.

This blog is about the difficulty of writing and getting paid for it. More to the point, it's about my uphill battle with making it a success. For now, things seem to have improved. At the same time, there have been drastic changes and me being forced to switch gears, feels like I'm eating shit again, but I'm going to keep trying.

Online Content Services

Alright so here's the deal. In one of the revenue-sharing services I use most, there was a post that said both Hubpages and Squidoo were merging together in the next few weeks. This comes just when I'm starting to get into using either service. The layout is great and the demand for quality posts is very high. What better way to cut my teeth on the thing? I need the discipline along with the money.

Which also brings the Amazon associates program I just rejoined. There's some extra effort that has to be made with the integration of a plug in to get the html for the widget embedded in the text, but otherwise I could just use a hyperlink. It doesn't look as good nor is it a guarantee that it will drive traffic to the area. I'm still very green on this, but taking the time to learn it and use it as much as I can.

Here in the next few days, another service that I use called allvoices is switching to a new layout but also deleting content and yet, another service Yahoo contributor is doing the same during the first week of September. I already knew about these services before I knew about Hubpages and Squidoo. That shit just dropped on me during the last few days. 

If that's not enough, Teckler is a shitty service that hasn't even had activity from it's admins as they seem to have completely abandon it in April. Their twitter account, the site is now only full of spam with every post. The thing is that at all of these sites, I have posts and I haven't made the decision whether to recycle them or not.

Abandon My Posts?

Last year and well into this year, I kept track of my posts in a separate file. I was doing pretty good, but for only one of the services. The other ones I figured I would catch up with later. That's a mistake to go along with another one I make which was to delete the file I had before. 

This is where I'm supposed to just take the time to do what I set myself to do but I don't have that discipline and never got around to it. So, I have too much work in front of me and I kind of feel like there's no point to recovering any of them. At this point it would be stupid for me to try and so I need to just cut my losses and move on. 

Let them disappear. I can improve on them in a different way later. Of course, I still need to find some way to keep track of these things so I'm doing round-up posts for all of them in my many blogs. Let me explain how this is going to work.

As I write throughout the day, each post will go into it's own category which will be:
  • writing
  • personal
  • current events
  • ideas
At the very least, this is what I'll have and at the end of every day, I will take each of those posts and link them in a new blog post for their matching sites. For instance, the writing related stuff will come here and I will write a description for each image associated with the hyperlink. It would be my hope to write a post specifically for each link, but that might not be necessary because of the Rebel Mouse site I also have, where every post goes to. 

Because when I create the round-up post, they will be posted to the Rebel Mouse site for viewing. For whatever reason that seems to be the right thing to do and I haven't stopped to really think about it to make sure, but I'm almost certain it's right. Because it's all about sharing to the social networks and directing traffic to the right destinations. 

I have to check the analytics for these things and this is the best way how. It's also because each of these services: wordpress, tumblr, blogger have html coding that will let me embed Amazon code, and I can sure as shit try to push that stuff the best I can.

A Second Chance

Right now Bubblews doesn't let me plug in things like Hubpages and Squidoo did, but I do have a chance to try and do that here because I get it now. It's constantly being said that the content has to be engaging so now that I know that, I'll be more flexible with my posts. I've already started getting into the habit of making that happen and it's a better experience for me as it makes me feel like I'm finally getting some shit done.

Unless blogger, tumblr and wordpress go the way of the dodo, I still have a place to post my content with no problem and keep trying.

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